Increase Your Research Team's Performance with these 5 Leadership Skills

This training is for you if:


  • You are leading a research team at an academic institution
  • You are part of a research team aspiring for a leadership position in the future
  • You are open to growing as a leader and willing to put in the work
  • You are ready to add to or even abandon what you think you know about leadership 


Upcoming Webinars

  • Tuesday, December 1st @ 12p ET


What you will learn in this free webinar

  • Why most researchers are poorly equipped to lead their teams effectively and what it takes to overcome this.

  • How to grow the independence and productivity of your team members so that you maximize your freedom to do your own creative work instead of closely overseeing your team for compliance.

  • How to avoid roadblocks to effective team communication so that you spend less time resolving misunderstandings and more time focused on academic problem-solving

  • What skills to focus on to become an influential leader of your team and within your institution

  • Why we sometimes are not our best selves when confronted with leadership challenges and how to turn this around  

  • A system that covers all aspects leadership development, so that you are doing the right thing at the right time.

Stefanie is an amazing coach who has profoundly and positively impacted the way I work, think, and care for myself and others.

In just 6 months of working with her, I feel confident in my abilities—not because I know exactly how to handle every challenge, but because I know I’m capable of overcoming them thanks to all the ideas/tools she has shared with me.  For the first time in my career, I feel confident, independent, and the leader that I always wanted to be.

I truly can’t thank Stefanie enough for all she has done for me. She honestly deserves awards for her brilliant coaching!

Tanya Garcia

Associate Professor of Biostatistics, UNC Chapel Hill

Stefanie is tapping into all of the best parts of that body of knowledge to bring new perspective to leadership in science and she has not only been trained in those areas, but has put that training into practice in her own lab. Stefanie's advice and approach skim the best and most effective ideas out there and apply them to building outstanding research teams and getting great science done - she shares all the things that I wish I had known when I first started my faculty position.

Kendra Sewall

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences and School of Neuroscience, Virginia Tech

Meet The Host

Stefanie Robel, PhD

Stefanie became a personal development and leadership nerd and then coach during her postdoctoral training, initially to increase her competitiveness and later because she realized that she could use these strategies and tools to create a happier, balanced life AND increase her levels of success. Building on these skills, she started her independent research program in 2016, built a thriving research team, currently composed of 10 full-time members, and brought in more than $6M in funding during her first two years on the tenure track. Since 2017 she has been coaching other academics to achieve similar results. Her big mission is to change the academic culture from negativity and chronic stress to one where people express their unique brilliance AND live a fun, joyful, happy life by bringing leadership training along with positivity to her community.