You need hands-on, practical leadership training designed specifically for research teams.

Your whole new
leadership strategy

starts here.




  • STEP 1

    Define your vision and team culture.

    Create a vision that focuses your effort on highly impactful and fulfilling work.

  • STEP 2

    Strategically hire and grow your team.

    Identify who you need to move your research forward while maximizing fun and  minimizing drama and team quarrels.

  • STEP 3

    Facilitate healthy team dynamics, independent decision making, and effective communication.

    Enable your team members to make decisions independently so that you optimize your freedom to do your own creative work instead of closely overseeing your team for compliance.

  • STEP 4

    Optimize productivity and team strategy for growth.

    Start spending less time resolving misunderstandings and more time focusing on problem-solving and opportunities.

  • STEP 5

    Become the leader you need to be in order to move your team and research forward.

    You deserve to live and work at your full potential in a self-actualized, peaceful, and balanced way. No matter how stressed out you are right now, it’s possible for you to create a life that pairs balance with research excellence...even if you've tried other programs before.


If you want better team performance, you need to lead in a better way. A smarter way. A way that aligns your team to your vision.

  • Define a powerful team purpose and mission so that you can focus your effort on highly impactful and fulfilling work, rather than focusing your worry on misleading metrics, e.g. the number of publications on your CV.

  • Strategically hire and build your team so that your team is able to produce high-quality work.

  • Facilitate effective team communication so that you spend less time resolving misunderstandings and more time focused on academic problem-solving.

  • Foster positive team dynamics to create a safe work environment, reducing stress and anxiety and increasing motivation and teamwork.

Inside the course, we'll also cover how to:

  • Cultivate an intentional team culture so that you maximize fun and collaboration within the team while minimizing drama and team quarrels

  • Define team values that enable your team members to make decisions independently so that you maximize your freedom to do your own creative work instead of closely overseeing your team for compliance.

  • Design support and feedback systems that work for you and your team, so that you are in the loop about your team’s work but minimize your time spent supervising.

  • Develop a team strategy to maximize personal and professional growth, motivation, and fulfillment of all team members while maintaining high levels of productivity.

  • Coach your team to enable them to find purpose in their work and direction for their careers to facilitate professional growth. You will learn how to increase your team’s independence and ability to make decisions to create synergy in your work together rather than a hierarchy of oversight characterized by ineffective micromanagement.

  • Improve retention of highly productive team members to maximize your and their output.

You have a way out of being overwhelmed. You can go from merely managing the day to truly leading from a place of vision.

About the course

Module 1: The one that helps you find your spark.


Module 2: The one where you define your niche for impactful work.


Module 3: The one that gets strategic about building your team.


Module 4: The one that is crucial to defining your team values.


Module 5: The one on leadership styles.


Module 6: The one about your team vision, mission, and purpose.


Module 7: The one on growing your influence with your team and decision-makers.


Module 8: The one on illuminating relationship dynamics within your team.


Module 9: The one about creating a team culture aligned with your values.


Module 10: The one about project management.


Module 11: The one on aligned leadership styles.


Module 12: The one clearing up motivation blocks for your team members.


Build practical skills. Learn at your own pace. Implement with your team.

How it works:

>> Trainings will cover the relevant background, worksheets or homework to implement the principles by yourself and with your research team.

Initially, I was worried about both spending the time and money on my leadership development, but the biweekly calls coupled with the content and workbook activities have proved priceless.


The workbooks allow you to think through the techniques and ideas on paper in a way that is specific to your own experiences. I also like the idea that my goals and perception of my work will change over time, so having these resources available to re-examine and interrogate again and again will be valuable for my future growth.


I had been looking for something that would give me specific strategies with examples and then walk me through the personal work that I needed to do to become a better leader and top performer, and TLIR has more than served this purpose.


  In addition, the biweekly calls which connect me to this community of like-minded achievers have been essential to demonstrate some of the techniques described in the modules and workbooks. For instance, in real-time, Stefanie walked one of our TLIR colleagues through the process of handling a tough conversation she needed to have a with a postdoc; we were all able to witness how some of the strategies could play out in real-time. It was fantastic!

Siobhan Craige, Assistant Professor Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise at Virginia Tech

Stefanie is an amazing coach who has profoundly and positively impacted the way I work, think, and care for myself and others. I first met Stefanie shortly after getting tenure and feeling conflicted about what I truly wanted to do next in my life and career. I was proud of having attained tenure, but I had created a life where I kept putting off fun until I had reached major milestones. This created a lot of stress, low energy and loss of confidence in my own abilities to keep up. 

In just 6 months of working with her, I feel confident in my abilities—not because I know exactly how to handle every challenge, but because I know I’m capable of overcoming them thanks to all the ideas/tools she has shared with me.


 For the first time in my career, I feel confident, independent, and the leader that I always wanted to be.

Tanya Garcia, Associate Professor of Biostatistics,

UNC Chapel Hill

Leadership starts with a decision.
Take action today.

The data on mental health of academics are mind boggling. . . so many people in academia are suffering. I know, because I used to be one of them! But there's a better way available to you (that doesn't require leaving academia).


I know you're busy, but you can get ahead instead of living in a  reactive, fire-fighting mode. If you're constantly pressed for time, you need training that's practical and fluff-free. (I don't have time for fluff either and besides, I'm German so I'm all about that no nonsense life.)


If you spend time dealing with drama and endless grant writing, you must make time for a program like this. 


If you're thinking, "Okay, but I have to get funding first”, you might need to make a powerful shift in the way you approach investing. This program is an investment into yourself (for your entire life), your team and group productivity, and even your science.


And here's the truth, productive teams get funding more efficiently.

  • Full access to the course for at least 1 year

  • Step-by-step processes to go through with your team

  • Downloadable worksheets

  • Case studies to illustrate best approaches to difficult situations

  • BONUS: Workbook with training exercises

This is for:

  • ✅ Those who tend to identify as "go getters"; transformational leadership takes work.

  • ✅ Those willing to look deeply at themselves.

  • ✅ Those driven by curiosity and a willingness to take an active approach to leadership.

  • ✅ Those with realistic expectations and a desire to work with their team. This is not a 6-month quick fix magic bullet.

  • ✅ Those ready to IMPLEMENT (and not just acquire more knowledge). You already have your degree (or three...). It’s time to implement. Applied knowledge is the key to success with leadership. That’s why I offer--and recommend--coaching.

This is NOT for:

  • Those expecting to learn grant writing skills or hard persuasion techniques.

  • ❌ Those who have discovered that they have a pattern of playing the victim. While this program could still potentially be a fit for you, have to commit to transforming your perception.

  • ❌ Those looking for a quick fix or a magic bullet.

  • ❌ Those who deny the reality of their job or who are struggling to deal.

  • Those not willing to really dive into looking at themselves. (Hint. Leadership is an inside job...)


Frequently asked questions

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

  • Q: Do you have a payment plan?

    A: Yes! You can pay in full or make monthly payments.

  • Q: How much time will I need for the program?

  • Q: Is there an in person component to the program?

  • Q: What's your refund policy?


Support is an important aspect of training and will be provided during monthly Zoom group Q&A and discussion sessions with all Inner Circle participants. I lead each support call and address questions that arose after you worked to implement the course content individually and with your team. 


During the calls, we will compare notes about your homework and interactions with your team, as well as discuss case studies that illustrate how to best handle difficult situations. These sessions are done in a group setting to provide you with insight into other participant’s experiences.


All students will have access to a private Facebook group for support. This group will support researchers, academics, group leaders, scientists, students, and postdocs who want to know how to raise their productivity, drive results, minimize conflict and attract excellent team members so that they can be part of a research team that is successful, well-funded, excellent, has work-life balance, fun and is acknowledged for their work.


The focus of this group is to enhance leadership skills that evolve around inclusiveness, creativity, community, and communication.

You already know that you can’t be a great leader
without investing in your skills and strategies.
Investment takes commitment.

You deserve to live and work at your full potential in a self-actualized, peaceful, and balanced way. No matter how stressed out you are right now, it’s possible for you to create a life that pairs balance with research excellence. Join us today so you can lead with vision.


Need more information before joining the course or Inner Circle Coaching? You can download the course syllabus, watch my one-hour leadership training, and book a call with me below.

  • Get the Syllabus

    Download a PDF of the course modules.

  • Watch the Webinar

    Get a sneak peek into my teaching style when you watch the 90-minute webinar: 5 Leadership Skills that Increase Research Team Performance.

  • Book a Call